Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stay Active in Summer

I used to love summer time when I was your age. While I loved school, the time off gave me lots of time to do things outdoors. I grew up on a street where every neighbor but one was a relative! Pretty cool, huh? With no brothers and sisters to play with, I looked forward to when my cousins would come to visit their grandparents....lots of people to play with.

One relative on my street had an in-ground swimming pool, so many days were spent in the water! All of the yards were big, so we had lots of places to ride bikes, run, and play. Every Thursday I went to my daycare because that was roller skating day. The workers would take all the school-age kids to the skating rink for the day. When I was in high school, I joined the color guard, which is the group of girls who twirl flags behind the marching band, so many an afternoon was spent outside practicing for the upcoming season.

Do you realize that when you are active, you are actually exercising? I can remember coming inside from a long afternoon at the pool and being so hungry.  That's because swimming is.....EXERCISE!  So is riding your bike or playing outside!

What are you doing to stay active this summer?

Whatever you decide to do outside this summer....don't forget your sunscreen or water!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our Eagles

Back in March, I got an email about a pair of adult Bald Eagles who had nested in a tree in the Botanical Gardens of Norfolk, Virginia. Our class eagerly watched and waited for the 3 eggs to hatch....and hatch they did, with the last egg hatching on St. Patrick's Day.  We tuned in almost daily (and sometimes a couple of times in one day) to watch our eagles! Sometimes we even participated in conversations with Eagle experts thanks to a Live Chat.

On April 27th we learned some terrible news. The mother eagle was killed. The Botanical Gardens are located near an airport, and somehow the mother got in the flight path of an airplane and was hit. After determining that the eagles would not survive without intervention, the Eagle experts decided the babies would be have a better chance at survival if they were relocated. So the next day the eagles were moved to the Wildlife Center of Virginia.  The eagles live in a special habitat made to resemble their home in the tree.

If you are interested in keeping up with "OUR" eagles, click here.

The eagles are scheduled to be released into the wild sometime in August. Maybe we will be back in school and can watch the release together!

Posts on Mrs. Staton's SuperStars may include links to external websites. Links to external sites are not under the editing control of the author of Mrs. Staton's SuperStars. Please ask that children use adult supervision when visiting websites outside of this blog, especially YouTube. While there are many great videos, please considering the ability for the public to post and comment on videos on YouTube.

Do you see what I see

I was outside last week and saw this in the sky, so I took a picture of it.

What does it look like to you?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Back to Blogging

During the past school year, I took a break from this blog for several reasons.

1. I was changing grade levels, and as this blog's web address says "5th grade readers", it wouldn't have been proper for 4th graders.

2. I had set up a page to use with my new class, and to be honest, never took the time to use it.

3. I sort of lost the excitement of the whole blog experience, thanks to a bunch of changes in my life, both at home and at school.

But here I am, back for more!

Students...if you are out there, I plan to post on here a few times over the summer. I might put up a cool picture, or suggest a book for you to read. Please feel free to leave a comment.  Here's how you do it.

Click on "comment".  Type what you want to say in the box. Then you have to tell me who you are.

If you click on the word "Name", then type your name in the box and leave the other one blank.
If you click on Anonymous, then I won't know who you are unless you put your name in the big box with your comment.

Then hit submit at the bottom.  It's that easy!

See you soon!!